MDR Auditing - Training of Internal Auditors in Relation to MDR

Gain knowledge about the MDR requirements not covered by ISO 13485 and understand the MDR requirements related to the QMS and their impact. Learn what to look for when auditing a QMS against the MDR requirements

Course objective and outcome

The following skills and competences are developed:

  • Knowledge about the MDR requirements not covered by ISO 13485
  • Understand the MDR requirements related to the QMS and their impact
  • What to look for when auditing a QMS against the MDR requirements


  • Risk Management
  • Unique Device Identifier & EUDAMED
  • Person responsible for regulatory compliance
  • Liability
  • Registration of economic operators & obligations (EU Rep, Distributors, Importers)
  • Regulatory compliance requirements including conformity assessment
  • Post Market Surveillance process
  • Vigilance
  • Clinical Investigation and evaluation process

 Who should attend

  • Quality Managers
  • Person responsible for implementation of MDR requirements into the QMS
  • Responsible persons performing internal & supplier audits


"The instructor/Trainer is really good. He knows a lot and can give an answer to almost all questions. Mostly, I liked that the instructor gave a new perspective to look at the MDR" 

"The very experienced teacher, many useful examples and I liked that all material was sent out before the course"

"Very knowledgeable trainer and very good materials"

"A teacher with extensive knowledge of MDR"

"Liked the great knowledge of the trainer and that he did share tips and tricks"


Participants, Fall 2022


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mp@medicoindustrien.dks billede
Morten Petersen